Redefining Sexual Reality: 3 Things You Should Know About The Push For Same-Sex Marriage


Welcome to the revolution.The moral revolution.Where  same-sex marriage has gone from unthinkable to mainstream.As Albert Mohler writes:

We are now witnesses to a revolution that is sweeping away a sexual morality and a definition of marriage that has existed for thousands of years.'

And all in the blink of an (historical) eye.How did this moral revolution happen so quickly?Same Sex MarriageIt’s because the foundation pieces of the revolution were already in place. The sexual revolution, which began in the 60’s, has reshaped sexual reality:  identity has been redefined; sexuality has been redefined, and now at last marriage has been redefined.Let’s take a look at each redefinition, to better understand how same-sex marriage went mainstream.

1. Redefining Human Identity

From creatures made in the image of God, to independent animals who determine their own morality

Author Rod Dreher sums it up nicely:

[P]ut bluntly, the gay-rights cause has succeeded precisely because the Christian cosmology [i.e. view of reality] has dissipated in the mind of the West.'

If human beings are merely chance accidents in a random universe, then we’re not accountable to Anyone. We get to shape our own identities. We get to make the rules. Including rules about sex.

2. Redefining Human Sexuality

People are independent sexual beings, who have a right to pursue their own sexual desires (as they long as they don’t hurt anyone else)

Christian scholar Alastair Roberts outlines what this  redefined human sexuality looks like:

  1. Sexual acts don’t have intrinsic meanings or purposes. They don’t relate to a deeper [God-given] natural order, which we must honour and not violate.
  2. Sexuality is key to our identity. And we get to say what our sexual identity is/isn't. As long as we’re not harming anyone, we should express our sexual identities. And allow others to do so, as well.
  3. Consent is all that matters: as long as a sexual relationship is consensual, it must be respected, and celebrated.

Sex is key to who you are, so have sex with whoever, whenever, and for whatever reason (as long as it's consensual).Having redefined human identity and human sexuality, it didn't take the sexual revolutionaries much effort to redefine  marriage.

3. Redefining Marriage

Marriage used to mean one man + one woman, for life: now marriage is just a legal contract between any two persons, and therefore gender is irrelevant

The authors of the book ‘Human sexuality’ put it this way:

The argument for SSM is based on a particular understanding of marriage; that it is no more than the legal public recognition of a committed sexual and loving relationship.

If marriage is just a legal contract between two adults, who cares what gender they are?

But The Revolution Can’t End With Same-Sex Marriage

And so here we are. At a time when many western (and non-western) countries are legalising same-sex marriage. Thanks in large part to the sexual revolution. A revolution that has swept away the Judeo-Christian view of sexuality that our grandparents took for granted.But here’s an interesting thought: if the above analysis is correct, then same-sex marriage is not the end of the sexual revolution: it’s merely one more step along the way.Albert Mohler again:

This [sexual] revolution did not start with same-sex marriage, and it will not end there'

I think he’s right.This moral revolution won’t end anytime soon, as long as the redefined view of sexual reality remains mainstream. So buckle your seatbelts: we're in for a long ride.  Photo:


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