"The Battle To Keep Your Baby": The Hidden Truth Of Abortion Laws

The NSW Parliament will soon debate a new abortion bill that would decriminalise abortion here in NSW. It would allow abortion up to 22 weeks, and up to full term abortion with the approval of two Doctors.

A friend's wife wrote the following letter to her local MP in response to the proposed Bill. With her permission, I'm sharing it on my blog, as she blows the lid on a hidden truth about abortion (her name is withheld for privacy).


Dear [local member],

I am a woman and a mother and I absolutely oppose the bill to decriminalise abortion.

I oppose it for many reasons, one being that I have known the pressure to abort a wanted child.

I was informed that there could be an abnormality in the foetus and that I should consider an abortion. I had to hold my ground against medical practitioners.

My child was born without defect.

When I speak to friends about this I find too many who have experienced far worse.

One friend, whose first child was diagnosed with Down Syndrome in early tests had to battle to keep her child against a constant barrage from medical practitioners who advised her to abort him. These were very likely acting to protect themselves against a potential legal battle, or a charge of wrongful life.

Another friend who became pregnant at 17 was dropped off at an abortion clinic by her then boyfriend so that she could 'deal with it'. When asked by the clinician if she wanted to abort the child she answered, 'l don't know'. The clinician asked her if she wanted to go to University. My friend answered 'yes.' This was taken for assent and she was given the procedure.

My friend has regretted that moment every day since.

What I find is that a woman's right to choose is often made by someone else, not the woman. Coercion and control over a woman's womb are real problems.

It is not so much a woman's right to choose, but often a woman's battle to keep.

Decriminalising abortion only makes that battle for women harder and harder. It means that the coercion and power-plays for our wombs can be played out over a longer period of time.

I have never forgotten that pressure to abort.

My friend has never forgotten that battle to keep her son with Down Syndrome.

My other friend knows how old her daughter would be, had she lived. She still has the ultrasound image that proves her daughter's fleeting existence.

We are women who want to be mothers. Don't make our lives harder. Please stop this bill.


(Name withheld)

The NSW Parliament is set to debate the bill on Thursday this week. So now is a good time to contact your local State member, and raise your concerns.


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