My 5 Most Popular Blogposts Of 2019

Jordan Peterson's visit to Australia. The Christchurch terror attack. Israel Folau. Abortion bills.

A lot has happened in 2019.


I've managed to blog about a few of these things. And so here are my 5 most popular blog posts of this year, in order of increasing popularity.

(I've also included a paragraph from each blog post as a taste of what's in it).

5. Making Sense of The Horrific Christchurch Terror Attack

To the secular mind something this awful could only have been caused by someone who had a medical problem...The post-modern secular mind has discarded overtly moral categories like ‘evil’ – even as it strains toward moral terms to describe this tragedy. 

Click HERE to read the whole article.

4. Could This One Question End The Abortion Debate?

Could one simple question end the abortion debate? Could this question bring clarity and agreement, no matter which side of the fence you’re on? It might seem unlikely, but I think it could.

Click HERE to read the whole article.

3. The Izzy Apocalyse: What The Media Storm Reveals About Our Society

Folau’s post was controversial, yes...But the more I’ve seen the reaction – or over-reaction – of many of our secular elite, the more I’ve become convinced that what he did was a good thing. If for no other reason than to expose a disturbing part of our culture.

Click HERE to read the whole article.

2. I Went To See Jordan Peterson. And This is What I Thought

Jordan Peterson, wearing a 3-piece suit, walks onto the stage with a big grin. The audience cheer, and many people rise to their feet in a standing ovation (all before he even says anything). The cheers die down, and Peterson thanks us for the welcome – ‘that’s very kind of you’ he says, in his signature Canadian accent.

Click HERE to read the whole article.

1. Dear Izzy, If Only You Had Behaved Like An Elite Athlete

Look, Izzy, here’s the reality: if only you had behaved like elite athletes who carried out acceptable bad behaviours, you would still have your job. (Sure, you might have received a tap on the wrist, lost some cash, perhaps been suspended for a while, but you wouldn’t have been fired).

Click HERE to read the whole article.

So there you have it. These were the 5 most popular articles on for 2019.

I was thankful to be able to join in the cultural conversations around these issues, and give my Christian perspective.

The 'Editor's Choice' Article.

And yet, there was one article that I think was my most important. It didn't make the top 5, but it's an article that describes an urgent task facing our fractured society:

4 Urgent Conversations Australians Need To Have After Folau

[T]here are secular voices from all walks of life who are concerned about religious freedom. They would much rather live in a free society – as traditionally defined – than in a society where people get fired for posting the Bible’s message on social media. Thus there is an opportunity to have meaningful discussions with secular people about the place of religion in society.

Click HERE to read the whole article.

Thanks for reading. May God give you a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.

I look forward to seeing you back here in 2020.


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